Loving two 

This poem isn’t mine – I came across this online and it was too beautiful not to share 

Loving Two 
I walk along holding your 2-year-old hand, basking in the glow of our magical relationship. Suddenly I feel a kick from within, as if to remind me that our time alone is limited. And I wonder: how could I ever love another child as I love you? 

Then she is born, and I watch you. I watch the pain you feel at having to share me as youve never shared me before. 

I hear you telling me in your own way, Please love only me. And I hear myself telling you in mine, I cant, knowing, in fact, that I never can again. 

You cry. I cry with you. I almost see our new baby as an intruder on the precious relationship we once shared. A relationship we can never quite have again. 

But then, barely noticing, I find myself attached to that new being, and feeling almost guilty. Im afraid to let you see me enjoying her as though I am betraying you. 

But then I notice your resentment change, first to curiosity, then to protectiveness, finally to genuine affection. 

More days pass, and we are settling into a new routine. The memory of days with just the two of us is fading fast. 

But something else is replacing those wonderful times we shared, just we two. There are new times only now, we are three. I watch the love between you grow, the way you look at each other, touch each other. 

I watch how she adores you as I have for so long. I see how excited you are by each of her new accomplishments. And I begin to realize that I havent taken something from you, Ive given something to you. I notice that I am no longer afraid to share my love openly with both of you. I find that my love for each of you is as different as you are, but equally strong. And my question is finally answered, to my amazement. Yes, I can love another child as much as I love you only differently. 

And although I realize that you may have to share my time, I now know youll never share my love. There is enough of that for both of you .you each have your own supply. 

I love you-both. And I thank you both for blessing my life. 

A poem for a big brother to be 

It’s coming close to the birth of your new little sis

And time alone with mummy I am sure you will miss

But guess what mummy can do she is a magician you see

She will steal away time just for you and for me 

At first your new sister will seem rather fun

But please be aware she can’t play yet or run

Quicker than you think she will be up on her feet

Taking turns in races to see who she can beat

Until that time she will need her big brother

It’s very important you look after one another 

She will need lots of cuddles, so much you can do

Help with nappies, soothing and bath time too

I know it’s seems a long time since mummy said she was due

I know the excitement and anticipation is wearing thin for you

But hang on in there sweetheart the end is in sight 

Soon the sounds of baby sisters cries will break through the night 

But please don’t worry you will always be mummy’s little man

And regardless of what you do mummy will always be your biggest fan

But you will have a new fan, a new little girl to love

I am sure the four of us, Team Caress, will fit like a glove

I can’t wait to see you with her I know you will be brill

Mummy’s wingman you will always be and my heart you’ll always fill

I know baby sister will enhance your life and be a whole new chapter

I know the journey along the way will be full of love and laughter 

Enjoy the journey mummy’s little man – love always mummy 

My boy is 4

I can’t believe the day is nearly here

It keeps swinging around so fast

Our last year at home together now

We had better make it last
It’s been four years, an amazing time

Mostly lots of laughter and fun

Winters spent sledging in the snow

Summers spent idling in the sun

September brings the start of school

God knows what I will do

Without my wingman by my side

It won’t be the same without you 

To say me and daddy are proud of you

Is the understatement of the year 

You are clever and insightful

Funny and often without fear

You still love all things super hero

Your imagination is second to none 

The way you play takes my breath away

Even when you attempt to con 

Everyone compliments your manners

And loves your superman curl

Your strong minded, strong willed a social butterfly

Sending your friends into a whirl

I can’t believe you are four little man

The time has just flown by

I will make sure to cuddle lots more times

And I promise to try not to cry

As you go off to school I know

I gave you a good start

Can’t wait to see you be a big brother 

And show that love from your massive heart

For now I say happy birthday Bob

We love you to the moon and back

Love mummy, daddy, bump and Brodie 

And your leopard gheko mack!

My little pre-schooler

The last time I looked Lenny was a baby – now he is nearly four and starting his school journey tomorrow by attending pre-school.

I know this doesn’t seem a bit deal to some – he will only go in the mornings after all – but still……

Its been a wild ride these last four years – we have had simply the best time! There have been tears and tantrums but these have been dotted between the smiles and laughter. We have had so much fun together me and my wing man! Lenny has been the Goose to my Maverick, the Jay Z to my Beyoncé and he has been the best most reliable best friend a girl could ask for.

I am so so proud of how he has grown. He is clever, has a brilliant sense of humour and am almost unlimited store of energy!

Pre-school are in for a real treat! I am so jealous they get to spend 15 hours a week with him !  


Trouble with a Little L Part 2

Today was the day, it was here at last
His suitcase was packed and his flag down the mast
Suzanne the Caravan was ready to go
Daddy was getting her hitched up all ready to tow

Suzanne was a beach hut on wheels, blue and white
Fred the car was going to pull her, Lennon hoped she was light

Into Fred they all climbed, the house was locked up
Suzanne was off, squeezing through cars without a nip or a tuck
They were on the open road, a final wave to Brodie dog
Lets hope the weather stayed nice they could do without the fog

Lennon was watching the trees flying by
“We’re here” Daddy said , waking Mummy with his cry

It takes a while to get Suzanne all settled on her pitch
Lennon waits patiently whilst Daddy takes her off the hitch
The door comes open and off Lennon flys
He finally has his freedom, no time for goodbyes

He picks up Coley Moley, his caravan partner in crime
They find the biggest hill they can and up they start to climb

The idea is a simple one, they will get right to the top
Then launch themselves with all their might with a skip and a hop
Rolling, rolling, rolling, they are in a downward race
Coley Moley gains some ground so Lennon has to chase


to the woods the party goes, the boys just love the sound
The grasshoppers whistling in the grass, banging sticks upon the ground

“We are looking for stone trolls and batman’s cave” they shout
Weaving through the long grass and wild flowers, in and out
They see a train, the driver waves , they giggle all excited
And though its time to go back to site they are still delighted

Its time for food now and the BBQ is already lit
Burgers, Sausages and Nutella Bananas are sure to be a hit

When everyone has eaten and the boys are settling down
They see the lights on in the tents, everyone is turning down the sound
The site is getting ready for the night that looms ahead
Lennon and Cole are sleepy now and ready for their bed

They love their weekends of freedom and no matter where they are
Nowhere is too far now that they can bring Suzanne by car

Suzanne the caravan 

So those who know me personally know how anti-camping I am! Scott has been putting pressure on for some time about taking Lenny camping and all the rich experiences and memories camping holidays gave him as a child.

I decided to do the only thing I could think of and we compromised and brought a caravan!

Our beautiful Suzanne is a lunar 5 berth and was a little bargain off eBay for £700. With the help of some great friends (foxes) we set off after the auction to pick her up.

She was up a mountain -quite literally the people we brought her from had the steepest drive I have ever seen – but the ever fearless Foxy pulled it out the bag and sure enough she creeped down the drive and out to freedom.

She fits beautiful on the drive bless her and she was is good condition and very clean considering her age- but I had a plan!

I had an idea that I wanted her to have a beach hut theme – I wanted to strip her and paint her and freshen her all up! So we are part way through renovations – I won’t show you how we are getting on but I will show you before pictures as a little teaser. 


Needless to say Lenny absolutely loves the new addition to our family and she even has a theme tune – Suzanne the caravan, she’s Suzanne the caravan, there’s a whole in the middle where Lenny has a tiddle – she’s Suzanne the caravan – you just sang along didn’t you 

To be continued…….

Who replaced my picky eater with a pig!!

Well we are now two months post tonsillectomy and the surgery has changed all our lives.

Lenny is no longer a picky eater who takes hours to finish a meal. We no longer have to bribe him to eat his dinner. Nowadays Lenny actually says the words “I am hungry” quite a lot actually! Lenny will finish a meal and ask for seconds, he is trying new things he wouldn’t even entertain before and he is asking for supper!!!!

Lenny has put on 5 pounds in two months in weight which is extrordinary considering last year he only put a pound on all year.

I am truly amazed! I will never look back and know 100 percent I made the right decision having them out -goodbye and good riddance tonsils 

An interview with Lenny – aged 3 years and 3 months

Attendees: Mummy and Lenny

Place: Conservatory at Home

Date: Wednesday 22nd April 2015

1) What is something mummy always says to you? I love you (no overbearing mother jokes please!)

2) What makes you happy? Brodie dog (our 8 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier who is present at the interview for parts) and chocolate 

3) What makes you sad? The big coin jar in the corner. Why does that make you sad? Because its in the way 

4) What makes you laugh? Mummy and daddy and me 

5) How old are you? I am 3 mummy, you already know that 

6) How old is mummy? 4 and daddy is 11

7) What is your favourite thing to do? I like to read books. I love the one with Aliens and Underpants 

8) Who is your best friend? Brodie dog (Brodie is back in the room and this may be the reason he was chosen). 

9) What do you want to be when you are bigger? Strong with big muscles and a fireman. I definitely want to drive the fire engine. I will need to go to college and university 

10) What are you good at? Somersaults, jumping in the air and stroking Brodie Dog’s hand (Brodie is again in the room which may have influenced this answer)

11) What are you not very good at? Doing jigsaws 

12) What did you do today? I did somersaults and Brodie Dog watched me. I planted a tree for mummy and it will grow bigger and bigger to the clouds. 

13) What are your favourite foods? Crumpets and burgers (this is a lie as he has never eaten burgers!)

14) Who is your favourite superhero and why? Superman because he sits on a ladybird and then he sits on a ballon and he falls off but he flys. 

15) What is your favourite animal? Giraffe – big necks they have got. 

16) What does Daddy do for work? He gets his helmet on and he builds a tower. He works for pennies for toys. 

17) What is your favourite place to go? Mamas 

18) What is mummy’s favourite thing to do? Sort your crazy hair out. Daddy likes to walk brodie dog. 

19) What is your favourite film? Spiderman because I like him and Big Hero 6 – yes thats my favourite Big Hero 6. 

At that Lenny zooms out of the interview to go and find his Big Hero 6 toys – I guess thats the interview terminated.